Multiple Offers and Winning Contract Strategies

Multiple Offers and Winning Contract Strategies

  • Sabrina Glover
  • 03/28/24

The Offer Process: A Closer Look into How The Glover Team Navigates Writing Offers

In the fast-paced world of real estate, the process of writing an offer involves more than just putting pen to paper. It's a strategic dance that requires careful planning, thorough analysis, and effective negotiation skills. Today, we'll take an insider's look into what goes on behind the scenes as The Glover Team prepares and submits an offer.

Reviewing Comparable Sales
Before diving into the offer writing process, our team starts by thoroughly reviewing recent comparable sales in the neighborhood. This crucial step helps us determine the appropriate offer price, ensuring our clients put forward a competitive yet fair bid.

Discussing Terms
Next, we sit down with our clients to discuss the terms of the offer. From the offer price to contingencies, closing date, and any specific items to include or exclude from the sale, every detail is carefully considered to align with our clients' needs and preferences.

Drafting the Offer
With the terms finalized, we move on to drafting the offer. Using standard real estate contracts and potentially additional addenda specific to the situation, we ensure that the offer is comprehensive and legally sound.

Presenting the Offer
Once the offer is meticulously prepared, we promptly present it to the listing agent. Whether through email or delivery service, we ensure that the offer is in the preferred format of the listing agent and includes all necessary documentation, such as disclosures and proof of funds or pre-approval letters.

Awaiting Response
After submitting the offer, we patiently await a response from the seller. During this time, we stay in close communication with our clients and are prepared to respond promptly to any counteroffers or requests from the seller.

Negotiations may ensue, with offers and counteroffers going back and forth. Our team remains steadfast in advocating for our clients' best interests while maintaining open lines of communication to facilitate a smooth negotiation process.

Finalizing the Offer
Once both parties reach mutual agreement on all terms, the offer is finalized. Both the buyer and seller sign the offer, creating a binding contract and moving the transaction forward.

Meeting Deadlines
Following acceptance of the offer, we ensure that all deadlines are met. From completing home inspections to securing mortgage approvals, we guide our clients through each step of the process to ensure a seamless transaction.

What happens if we find ourselves in a multiple offer situation?

Navigating a multiple offer situation can add an extra layer of complexity to the process. However, with the right strategies in place, our team rises to the occasion. Here are five effective tactics we employ to increase our clients' chances of success:

1. Pre-approval or Proof of Funds: Demonstrating financial readiness and seriousness to sellers.
2. Attractive Offer Terms: Presenting offers with favorable terms, such as higher down payments or flexible closing dates. Sometimes this may include removing other contingencies that protect the buyer.
3. Escalation Clause: Offering to outbid other offers up to a certain limit.
4. Personal Touch: Crafting heartfelt letters to sellers expressing our clients' emotional connection to the home.
5. Backup Position: Agreeing to be in a backup position if the primary deal falls through, keeping our clients in line for consideration.

At The Glover Team, our commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and strategic approach set us apart in the real estate industry. By leveraging our expertise and employing effective strategies, we consistently deliver exceptional results for our clients. If you're ready to embark on your real estate journey, trust The Glover Team to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to get started!


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